About me

I am Michael and in my day-to-day whereabouts I am a lot of things but definitely not a bike pro. To be honest, my mountain bike has spent some very quiet years in my garage. So why the heck now this marathon bike trip?

The idea was born in the first visit of my father after my move from Germany to Spain almost 20 years ago. He said “the next time I come with my bike”. At the end he never made it, but the idea was in my head since then …

This year I have finally managed to put into reality another idea which I had on my mind for many years. I have requested a 4 months sabbatical period.  In this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I wanted to do something totally different, something that kicks me out of my daily routine and habits and lets me explore new areas and experiences.

My fathers idea promises to be this kind of experience that I was looking for. At this point I really don´t know how my adventure will go, but I expect to have a great time and to enjoy this “bike trip home”.

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