Easy going
Posted from Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France.
What a great cycling day!
Overnight the weather has changed for good. There was almost no wind today, and if, it was coming from southern directions. The temperature was also good and the route was very flat. The villages and the landscape are really nice, all is very green with vineyards and red poppy flowers all along the way. I fully understand now why this area is such a popular holiday destination.
The best of all is that I could enjoy a painless riding. I think I have learned to treat my knees right. Whenever I note some pain I make a short stop to stretch the legs. Also the advice of the bike pros to pedal with a high cadence seems to be very soothing for my knees.
After the weekend with mixed emotions I feel really great now. Montpellier looks promising, let´s see what it can offer to a happy man.
Todays route: 112,77 km
Na es geht doch , weiterhin so schoene Tage ( ohne Schmerzen) bei der Reise .
Bonjour 🙂 and welcome to my city ! Hope it will receive you well !!
I post this one day after your arrival, but hope you will can take some hours to visit the historical centre, really agradable and without any cars !! And find a good restaurant in a nice small plaza in the old city … (by the way, the university of Montpellier is considered as one of the oldest university in the world, especially in the field of medecine; founded around 1160 …).
And after that, I recommand you to follow your trip via the beautiful national park of “La camargue”. Enjoy 🙂
Francois, your hometown is a real beauty! Lucky you, I was really impressed and enjoyed my walk through the old town. Lots of elegant shops, charming places, great architecture, beautiful people, streetlife …
Muy bien Michael! Que progreso a pesar de las rodillas y el viento.
Más importante que llegar a la meta, es disfrutar del camino, por lo que tu tranquilo si vale la pena parar en Montpellier.
Un fuerte abrazo, Fede
happy to read yhat you are progressing without any wind and pain. have a nice evening and a wonderful biking day tonorrow! 🙂
Hallo Michael,
wir freuen uns, daß die vielen Wünsche für guten Wind sich wirklich erfüllt haben.
Noch mehr freuen wir uns darüber, daß deine Knie so gut durchhalten.
Wir hoffen, daß du noch viele so gute Tage wie heute erlebst.
Bald kommst du in die Gegend wo du schon einmal schlechte Erfahrungen hattest (Foto).
Alles Gute
Hermine und Christof