Good energy
Posted from Saint-Germain-du-Bois, Burgundy, France.
in a dead man´s place. Today is monday and a bank holiday, everything is closed.
It was a very good cycling day. I had good energy and good weather in the morning. There was almost no wind today, what a blessing!
In the afternoon it turned very cloudy. Just when I had arrived in my hotel some rain drops fell and in the evening it started really to rain.
The route was going through very rural zones. The problem was that with the bank holiday the few bars and restaurants on the route were all closed.
I have landed in a small village in Burgundy. There are two restaurants, but both are closed this evening. There is a “Tilt”-Bar, also closed. My hotel is a 200 year old farmhouse with a very peculiar old style furniture and decoration. It is managed by a 86 year old lady and her daughter.
I am hungry and have arranged with the landlady that I will have dinner with her and her daughter.
Today´s route: 71,60 km
best dinners are always where the locals eat. well done.
Welche Freude, un Menu à trois. Burgunder, ….
Hoffentlich wirds kein Fastenessen.
Viel Spass.
Vas cogiendo apariencia de viajero del mundo con esa barba jejeje, creo que estás disfrutando tu aventura, ¿vas a probar hacer una etapa alpina? o eso ya son palabras mayores???, bueno espero que el tiempo te acompañe y el cuerpo fluya con la energía necesaria para seguir como hasta ahora, un abrazo cuñado, te seguimos desde la distancia y te deseamos buen recorrido para mañana y ya contarás como ha sido esa cena……. forza MICHAEL!!!
I note that you focus much on the 86 year old lady! Any information about the beautiful daughter … ? 🙂
Good luck for tomorrow with the wind.
Silvina and Andreas
Hallo Michael,
schon wieder ein neues Abenteuer. Ein Vorschlag aus meinem Fahradbuch für Deutschland.
Basel-Weil am Rhein a.Rhein.
Deutschland: Schopfloch-Todtnau-Tittisee-Donaueschingen- Tuttlingen – Sigmaringen
Donautal – Ehingen – Blaubeuren – Bissingen – Herbrechtingen – Nördlingen – Treuchtlingen
Altmühltal – Beilngries – Kanal -Nürnberg – Fürth – Kriegenbrunn – Herzogenaurach
Weiterhin richtigen Wind und Wetter und gute Gesundheit.
Vielleicht hilft Dir der Tipp weiter
Viele Grüße Christof
Today is a holiday in France. So everything is closed even me I am on my day off.
Hope you had a good dinner and have a nice trips again tomorrow!!!
Having dinner with the locals should be a treat. Sounds like the old day-“thereupon you bespied comely maidens milking the cows”