Pamper yourself!

Posted from València, Valencian Community, Spain.

Todays navigation went much better, it looks as if the € 4,99 which I spent last night for an upgrade is well invested money.

However, now the body starts aching. My left knee is making problems, I´ll try to get some Ibuprofen tomorrow to calm it down. It looks like a bike specific problem, because I can walk without any pain. And today the butt does not feel so good neither …

My initial plan was to go until Valencia today, because after a steep climb right in the beginning the route looked quite flat. But I had headwind throughout the whole journey, so it was quite exhausting and the body didn´t want to go any further. But though I made my first “over 100 km” stage today. I thought this deserves some pampering, so I stopped in the Parador of El Saler. Some luxury for the worn out body after a hard day …

Todays route: 103,30 km

Moraira - El Saler


  • Pedro A

    Ten cuidado con el ” All i Pebre” o lo que es lo mismo, anguilas-serpientes de agua dulce-, con ajo y pebrella, plato típico de la zona del Perellonet.
    No sea que te den rampas en el estómago.
    Disfruta de la Albufera Valenciana.
    Saludos y ánimo.

  • Jose v

    Bien hecho!Un buen ejemplo de q La inversion en tecnologia a veces es una buena solucion!!! A veces… 😉 por cierto cuidate el culete q rodillas tienes dos…

  • Pedro

    No se si te comente alguna vez que la bicicleta no es muy compatible con el fútbol, pero bueno cuidado de todos modos con el ibuprofeno que no es nada bueno, lo mejor es hielo, es el mejor anti inflamatorio que puedes utilizar… venga, que ya queda menos!!!!

  • Daniel Dickas

    Olala, jetzt schon luxus, vor der Bergetappe! Geniesse das flache Land und selbstverstänlich das Hotel!

  • christoph

    everyday 10km more … is this your new plan?
    enjoy the wonderful night in the parador!

  • Alex

    Ah it all sounds so familiar Michael … without a GPS going into new directions…hey we all go through that at one point or another but do not necessarily end up in a Parador…ENJOY AND ANIMO!

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