Recovering in Ulm
Posted on: 03/06/2015 /
Categories: Travel
Posted from Neu-Ulm, Bavaria, Germany.
I feel tired today and spent a quiet day in Ulm to prepare the final stages.
I climbed the tower of the Ulmer Münster, the highest church tower in the world. From above I could see the route from where I came yesterday and what lies ahead tomorrow.
It has become very hot. This is good for sightseeing strolls and bohemian nights, but not so good on the bike. I will go slowly tomorrow.
Today´s route: 0 km
I see in the background of the photo you posted:
“Gasthof zum Wilden Mann”
Yes well you deserve a good rest ! ..very nearly there…
Magic !
die letzten etappen – wirklich beeindruckend. du schaffst es!
Sieht ja wild aus! Wenn du Freitag am Altstadtfest da sein willst wirds aber fast ein bischen knapp. Samstag kanns Gewittern…