Over the Pyrenees

Posted from Perpignan, Languedoc-Roussillon, France.

I am over the Pyrenees now. Today I crossed the border and entered into France. But over the mountains the weather is rough. It was a hard fight. I had the whole day the Tramontana blowing right into my face.

So far I have had good cycling weather on my tour, the temperatures were good and the wind was moderate, on some days I even had some tailwind. This has changed a lot. The Tramontana is blowing like mad since yesterday afternoon. This wind has very agressive gusts and is coming right from the north, exactly the direction I am heading to.

I had hoped that the wind would start only in the afternoon like yesterday. But when I woke up this morning it was already blowing, it was blowing through the whole ride and it is still blowing now. And according to the weather forecast it will blow a couple of days more.

My body is now tired, but nothing hurts. Yesterdays day of relax and the massage seem to have some effects. Perpignan looks also nice, but I would like to advance now. Let´s see how long these hard winds will blow.

Todays route: 56,70 km

Figueres - Perpignan



  • Christof Dickas

    Lieber Mchael,
    wir wünschen Dir, daß Du endlich Rückenwind bekommst und viel Sonnenschein.
    Lass Dir Zeit, Es sind ja noch fast 5 Wochen. Hoffentlich erkennen wir Dich noch
    als Nikolaus?
    Viel Spaß und Freude bei Deinem Abenteuer und viel Humor. Gutes Essen und
    guten Wein und freundliche Wirte.Herzliche Grüße Hermine und Christof

  • Christof Dickas

    Hallo lieber Michael,
    wir wünschen Dir, daß endlich Rückenwind kommt.
    Wenn icht, dann lass Dir soviel Zeit

  • Agis

    Way to go Michael, such a great progress so far! Reading through your posts you make it look easy sometimes . Hope for pleasant kilometers ahead and lots of fun!

  • Antonis

    Wind is worst than anything else on bike! The difficult part of Pyreenes is done! Now taste the good French wine! With moderation! 🙂
    Cadence & liquids! Always!

  • Daniel Dickas

    Vive la Frace. Schwer dahin zu kommen, manchmal aber sehr aufschlussreich. Geniesse das Frühstück, Crossant, Café au lait, Wein und essen, vergiss den Gegenwind. Viel Spass…

  • christoph

    gratulation. erstes grosse ziel geschafft. jetzt ist der rest ein kinderspiel 🙂 geniess den abned und viel glück morgen.

  • Andreas


    keep going! We both had a terrible day today: today has likely been the start of an historic event and very harmful for a Hamburg supporter as I am. Hamburg will decend for the first time in history to the second league and as the last of all teams in German football history (1:2 in Stuttgart). HSV is now second last. I tell you this since you like football and the conclusion is: the headwind can be bad but going to the second league is even worse … 🙁

    Good luck for tomorrow!

    All the best,


  • conor

    Great Michael . Thats one country down(or two if you are a catalonian nationalist) and two to go!

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